Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

Star Wreck In the Pirkinning is a 2005 parody film produced by five friends in a tworoom flat with a small budget and the support of a few hundred fans and several dozen acquaintances. It is the seventh production in the Star Wreck movie series, and the first of professional quality and feature length. It is a dark science fiction comedy about domination of the world and the universe, and a parody of the Star Trek and Babylonfranchises.

The newly established PFleet travels to a remote region of space. They approach an anomaly, identified as a maggot hole. On the bridge of the C.P.P. Potkustartti, Captain James B. Pirk Samuli Torssonen reminisces about his experiences since the end of the previous film, Star Wreck V Lost Contact. Pirk was stranded on Earth at the end of the 20th century, his spaceship destroyed, his crew dispersed to avoid changing Earths history.Years later, Pirk realized that Earths history had not developed as expected since first contact with the Vulgars. Instead of helping Mankind to conquer space, the Vulgars were corrupted by rock star Jeffrey Cochbrane, who sold their spaceship to the Russians. Pirk takes matters into his own hands, and with his old crew members Commander Dwarf Timo Vuorensola and Commander Info Antti Satama, he locates the spaceship of the Vulgars. Gaining the trust of the Russian President, he builds the spaceship C.P.P. Potkustartti and subsequently the PFleet. Due to his monopoly on superior technology, Pirk takes control of the Earth and becomes its emperor. ........

Source: Wikipedia